Scheduled Course Rad.Prot. non-medical X-ray devices

Extended course text
Radiation protection for the operation of non-medical X-ray devices

Kürzel / Code

Extende/ Durationext
4 Tage

Verantwortlich / Responsible
Dr. Thomas Rabung

Gebühr (aktuelles Jahr) / Fee (current year)
Interner Preis: 1.610,00 EUR
Externer Preis: 1.610,00 EUR

Extended cours/ Description
The training course provides the requisite competence in radiation
protection for the operation of non-medical X-ray devices and conveys
the knowledge required for inspecting, testing, repairing and
maintaining X-ray devices. It encompasses the competence categories
R1.1, R1.2, R1.3, R2.1, R2.2. R3, R4, R5.1, R5.2, R7, and R8 (modules
RH, Z3).

The target group are technical experts/surveyors and other persons
working in industry, research and/or administration who deal with
radiation protection issues related to the operation of non-medical X-
ray devices and/or stray radiation emitters subject to licensing.

Business event co/ Training contents
The following subjects are covered:

- Legal fundamentals, recommendations and guidelines
- Tasks and responsibilities of the Radiation Protection Officer
- Fundamentals of related natural science and of radio-physics
- Radiation exposure of man
- Effects of ionizing radiation on man and matter
- Terms in the field of dosimetry, Dose units, Risk assessment
- Personal dosimetry
- Precautionary occupational medicine
- X-ray machines and stray radiation emitters (layout, operation,
testing, type approval)
- Radiation protection techniques, Radiation protection safety,
Radiation measuring techniques
- Practical exercises on an X-ray device.

Course Dates
Course dates for the next days: Refresh Course Dates
05.05.2025 - 08.05.2025Fortbildungszentrum FTUTo Registration
